A larger supply of the powerful Advantage Multi formula for Cats over 8.8 lbs. will keep more money in your pocket, and more flea and worm parasites away from your cat, for twice the time as the 3 pack. This powerful once a month topical keeps your cat free of:
- Fleas
- Ear Mites
- Treats and prevents lungworm
- Heartworms
- Gastrointestinal worms
This will allow you to avoid the ATM while they do what they do best, act curious, lazy, and keep you company. Just apply the cream to the back of your cat’s neck and pop open a can of tuna, because you know how much fun it is to spoil a chubby kitty
A larger supply of the powerful Advantage Multi formula for Cats over 8.8 lbs. will keep more money in your pocket, and more flea and worm parasites away from your cat, for twice the time as the 3 pack. This powerful once a month topical keeps your cat free of:
- Fleas
- Ear Mites
- Treats and prevents lungworm
- Heartworms
- Gastrointestinal worms
This will allow you to avoid the ATM while they do what they...