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6 Things You Can Do If Your Cat Goes Missing

 by michelle on 12 Jul 2014 |
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Losing your cat can be a stressful and upsetting event for both you and your pet. The two most important things you need to keep in mind are: stay calm and act quickly.

1. Search indoors
Unless you witnessed your cat making a run for it, there’s always a possibility your kitty is hiding somewhere inside. Before assuming your cat has run away, search your home thoroughly, armed with tasty and smelly treats.

2. Think like a cat
Where does your cat normally go? Do they have favorite bushes or hiding spots? Typically, a panicked cat will stay close to your home instead of venturing out into the open. Indoor cats will either slink left or right and follow along the edge of your house. Following the edge of your home, keep an eye out for close by hiding spots such as decks, garages, and sheds.

3. Don’t be shy
You don’t want to scare anyone by creeping around their property so make sure you ask your neighbors first. Knock on your neighbor’s doors and ask pedestrians in the street if they have seen your cat. It’s important that you bring with you a photo either on your phone or printed out.
4. Make a “lost cat” poster
The poster should
include your cat’s name, physical description, when and where they were last seen, and contact information. To be safe, it’s better not to list your name, address, or the amount of reward if you plan on offering one. Make sure the poster is large enough that a passing vehicle or pedestrian will see it. The photo is the most important, and one in color is best.

5. Spread the word
Now that you’ve made fliers you should post them in popular areas in your community and on telephone poles at busy intersections. Hand them out to family, friends, and most importantly to your vet and local shelters. Also share your poster online since social media is the best way to reach a large amount of people. There are also websites and pages on Craigslist that serve as a database of lost and found pets.
Note: If you’ve moved recently you should extend your search to your old neighborhood.

6. Set a trap
It’s a good idea to leave food and water outside your door and see if it vanishes. You can then set up a baby monitor or wildlife camera that will hopefully detect your cat. Often cats will wait until night to emerge from their hiding places. See if anywhere local is willing to lend a humane trap, such as Animal Control or a local Trap-Neuter-Return Rescue.

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