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Simparica vs Bravecto

Compare Simparica Chewables to Bravecto Chews for Dogs

Oral treatments, such as chewables, are a popular alternative to traditional topicals when it comes to protecting your dog from fleas and ticks. Simparica (Sarolaner) and Bravecto (Fluralaner) are two such products that fight fleas and ticks in similar ways.

When administered as directed, Simparica and Bravecto kill adult fleas on your dog, eliminating them before they can lay eggs, and thus breaking the breeding cycle. They also kill adult ticks including the black-legged tick, American dog tick, brown dog tick and Lone Star tick. In addition, Simparica provides protection against the Gulf Coast tick.

Simparica has a monthly dosage schedule, while Bravecto provides 12-week coverage against fleas and most ticks, and 8 weeks protection against Lone Star ticks.

Simparica may be used on dogs and puppies from 6 months of age, and with a body weight of 2.8 pounds (1.3kg) minimum. Bravecto is safe for use on dogs and puppies 6 months of age and older, and weighing a minimum of 4.4 lbs (2kg). These products are for canine use only should not be given to cats.

Top tip: Fleas and ticks can carry nasty diseases, but protecting your pet doesn’t need to be difficult. Use our comparison chart to weigh up the pros and cons of the most popular products.

  Simparica Bravecto
Kills Fleas yes tick yes tick
Repels Fleas - -
Kills Flea Eggs and Larvae - Kills newly emerged fleas before they can lay eggs
Kills Ticks yes tick yes tick
Repels Ticks - -
Kills and/or Repels Mosquitoes - -
Other Parasites    
Safe for Pregnant or Nursing Pets - yes tick
When does it starts working Kills adult fleas within 3 hours and ticks within 8 hours of administration Starts to kill fleas in 2 hours
Application Liver-flavored chewable Pork-flavored chewable
Active Ingredient(s) Sarolaner Fluralaner
Dosage Monthly Every 12 weeks

Simparica vs Bravecto

Sort By
Bravecto Chews For Dogs 44-88 lbs (20-40 kg)
Bravecto Chews For Dogs 9.9-22 lbs (4-10 kg)
Bravecto Chews For Dogs 22-44 lbs (10-20 kg)
Bravecto Chews For Dogs 4.4-9.9 lbs (2-4 kg)