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Which Cats Cope Best Living With Other Cats, Dogs or Children?

 by simone on 26 Aug 2014 |
2 Comment(s)
Cats are generally not as social as dogs. In fact, cats naturally hunt alone and often prefer solitude. But, each breed is different and each cat is an individual. Many cats actually love company and have temperaments suited to living with other cats, children and even dogs.
Just like dogs, cats too need to undergo socialisation at a young age with people and ideally with other cats and domestic animals so that they do not feel stressed or fearful when in their company. Socialisation should include gentle petting and handling of kittens and this will a
lso make grooming and health checks much easier.
As with all animals, cats will display aggression if they feel threatened, are in pain or unwell, are jealous or guarded about their food and territory, and will sometimes exhibit dominant behaviour. The more socialisation they have had, the greater the variety of people and animals they have mixed with and the more situations they have experienced, then the less chance your cat will react aggressively or feel stressed.
The majority of cats, no matter the breed, can live happily with other dogs or children if they have had time to become accustomed. Often a cat and dog raised together become good friends and have no problems living in the same home.
Spaying or neutering your cat will also reduce some aggressive and unwanted behaviour, particularly in male cats, and it will also make them calmer.

Each cat will have its own unique personality however there are also some breeds with characteristics that will make them more compatible to sharing a home.
If bringing a cat into a home with an existing cat, dog or lively children, then cats with the following temperaments will do better than others.
Cats with the following temperaments will be better suited to living with other cats:
  • Not territorial
  • Sociable and friendly
  • Easy-going
  • Adaptable
With dogs:
  • Not territorial
  • Sociable and friendly
  • Easy-going
  • Adaptable
  • Playful
  • Active
  • Robust
  • Intelligent and curious
  • Tolerance for loud noises and sudden movements
  • Amiable
Breeds that are generally known for the above temperaments include: Japanese Bobtail, Ragamuffin, Bombay, Chartreux, Burmese, Ocicat, American Shorthair, Maine Coon, Turkish Angora and Sphynx.
With children:
  • Not territorial
  • Docile  - enjoys being handled and pet
  • Sociable and friendly
  • Calm and patient
  • Adaptable
  • Playful
  • Active
  • Robust
  • Intelligent and curious
  • Tolerance for loud noises and sudden movements
  • Loving and affectionate
  • Gentle and good-natured
  • Attention seeking
  • Loyal – easily bonding with all members of the family
  • Attentiveness
  • Enjoys companionship
Breeds that are generally known for the above temperaments include: Bombay, Ragamuffin, American Curl, Japanese Bobtail, American Bobtail, Chartreux, Burmese, Ocicat, American Shorthair, Maine Coon, Turkish Angora, Sphynx and American Curl.
Other breeds known to be sociable, calm, intelligent and playful include:
Burmese, Ragdoll, Birman, Cymric, Manx, Scottish Fold, British Shorthair, Abyssinian, Singapura, Russian Blue, Oriental, Siamese, Tonkinese, Australian Mist, Burmilla, Moggie
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Jane Singleton - Comment
Jane Singleton27 Aug 2014Reply
We have a 3 yr old Siamese that we have had since he was 3 mths old. (He was neutered when we got him. WE love him like crazy, but he always cried out after the feral cat and the next door cat left after I feed them outside. So, we got a savannah 4 mt old kitten(female, which we have already had spayed) about 6 weeks ago. We took our time in introducing them (altho they kind of beat us to the punch) It seemed to be going OK but now our Siamese at least once a day seems to be attacking her. They will be fine all day and then all of a sudden we her hissing and yelling and we go running and our other cat has her turned over on her back and is going after throat. We do not know if this is a dominant thing or what. We have our handy dandy water spray bottle. But we feel we are going backwards and since this is the first time we have ever had 2 cats we are not sure what to do. We do not leave them out together while we are gone. Most of the other time they romp thru the house chasing each other and playing on the cat tree we got after we got the kitten. We spend alone time with each of them and time playing with both of them together. The past two nites we braved them in our bedroom with their beds and food and litter box in our bathroom and so far they have been OK> The older cat loves to sleep at the bottom of our bed(which he has not been able to do since we have had the kitten) and the kitten has been sleeping between us or by us and neither of the cats bother each other until they start playing together about 5:30 AM. Anyone have any suggestions? I really feel her bonding with us is being hampered by her always on the lookout for him. Would love some suggestions. Jane and Russ
Jane Singleton - Comment
Jane Singleton27 Aug 2014Reply
Whoever sent a comment to my message about our new savannah kitten and our 3 yr old Siamese, I cannot get it so I was wondering if you could send it to my email [email protected]. Thanks Jane
Collette lemons - Comment
Collette lemons27 Aug 2014Reply
Time for you to back off. You have done all they can. They have been introduced now let them decide their place. If your older cat wanted the kitten dead it would be. Relax, love them both and enjoy it. They are fine.

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