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Colitis and IBD in Cats

 by jaime on 18 Jul 2014 |
1 Comment(s)
When it comes to the human body, many people are in tune with the messages their bodies are sending them. Issues with constipation or diarrhea can be as simple as a meal that did not agree with the body, or as complicated as cancer or other chronic bowel conditions. Pet owners need to be aware of these same issues in their animals. Cats are not immune to bowel issues, and if left unchecked, a simple problem can become something much bigger.
Bowel Issues in Cat
There are three common bowel issues that impact cats. These bowel problems include chronic diarrhea, sporadic vomiting, and malabsorption. Taken together, these three issues are considered inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel disease (IBD). Identifying IBD in cats can be difficult. Some cats may show signs of IBD in a cyclical pattern during which the severity of the symptoms ebb and flow, while others suffer constantly.
IBD in cats
All IBD issues in cats are the result of reactions in the gastrointestinal system of the body. The reaction can be the result of interaction with foods, bacteria, or parasites in the local environment. For example, during the summer months your cat could come in contact with parasites or bacteria that's more prevalent during summer, bringing on a case of IBD.
When the reaction to these issues gets out of control a large number of inflammatory cells in the cat's body begin to collect along the gastrointestinal tract and disrupt digestion and absorption of food. It is important to catch IBD in a cat because it cannot be cured. Once IBD appears in a cat, it can only be managed going forward in the future.
The treatment of IBD in cats often consists of a combined approach that uses both immunosuppressive drugs and a change in diet.
Colitis in cats
If IBD is left untreated in a cat it can lead to a more serious condition known as colitis. This disease is an inflammation of the colon or large intestine. Much like the various forms of IBD, colitis can be acute or chronic. Colitis can be caused by a number of issues, including IBD that goes unnoticed.
Colitis has a significant impact on the movements of your cat. Cats suffering from this disease often have fresh, red blood their stool. Mucus in the stool, straining during defecation, and a more frequent need for the litter box are all possible signs of colitis. Acute colitis sometimes manifests itself as little more than diarrhea. Chronic colitis can be easier to spot as your cat may struggle with a poor appetite, weight loss, and lethargy. In many cases, once you notice the chronic symptoms in your cat it has already been suffering for some time.
IBD is not the only cause of colitis, so diagnosing and treating colitis requires the expertise and testing of a veterinarian. You'll need confirmation from your vet that your cat is suffering colitis as a result of IBD. Only by definitively identifying colitis as the issue for your cat (and IBD as the root cause) can your vet offer a course of treatment that improves your cat's health.


Aparecida dos Santos - Comment
Aparecida dos Santos01 Feb 2018Reply
prezados senhores, tenho um gato que está com colite, já fiz tratamento com veterinário, mais não obtive resultado ele cada dia está mais debilitado, e sente muitas cólicas.trocou a ração, continuo dando suplementos , remédios só estou dando chá de erva doce e camomila, e raramente algumas gotinhas de simeticona indicado pela veterinária. ele tinha o peso 5,80k, em 06/09/17, hoje 2k no máximo, estou muito triste, se puder me ajudem por favor. obrigada.

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